Dean Franks, President | 1701 N. 20th St. Ste. B | Tampa FL 33605
Email: | Phone: 910.429.6023

MD Franks excels at providing “deliberate urgency” to meet our customers’ needs through delivery of operationally experienced personnel and equipment. Our staff has the regional expertise and the requisite technical skillset and cultural sensitivity and awareness to accomplish difficult missions. We support our customers with staff planning instruction, exercise support, and technology insertion.

Founded in 2017, MD Franks is headquartered in Tampa, FL, in close proximity to USSOCOM HQ, SOFWERX, and USSCENTCOM HQ. We provide a cadre of high-quality special operations exercise developers, subject matter experts (SMEs), trainers, specialists, curriculum developers, field service representatives, technical writers, and other professionals. Our team includes operationally experienced, multi-disciplinary staff with international, national, and regional expertise.

MD Franks provides instructors and senior mentors for education, training and exercise facilitators. We currently support NATO SOF training and education and provide support to NATO exercises such as Steadfast Defender, Steadfast Jupiter, and Steadfast Jackal, as well as the US SOCEUR Trojan Footprint exercise. We also provide a SERE instructor pool to a NATO allied nation ensuring their protection and success in today's complex operating environment. We provide staff support in a strategic NATO HQs. In addition, we provide expertise on technology insertion / development to meet US Government requirements.